CyberTalents Introduction to Cybersecurity Course: Honest Review

Written by raymond
November 22, 2023

CyberTalents offers an impressive platform with a variety of courses to enhance CyberSecurity skills. They provide both paid and free courses for registered users.


Among their free offerings is the 'Introduction to CyberSecurity' course. It serves as a valuable introduction, giving a glimpse into what you can expect when stepping into the field of cybersecurity. This course encompasses essential topics such as Introduction to Web Security, Digital Forensics, Reverse Engineering, and Cryptography


A notable bonus is the inclusion of a free Certified Linux Practitioner course, making it an excellent starting point for those new to the Linux world. I recommend beginning with this course before diving into the Introduction to Cybersecurity course.


This course stands out for its incorporation of labs in a Capture The Flag (CTF) style. Participants tackle challenges, inputting flags in the correct format to earn allocated points. The interactive nature adds a dynamic element, requiring users to spin a machine within the platform, log in, and solve challenges to uncover flags.


If you're keen on entering the cybersecurity world, this course is tailor-made for you, and I'm confident you'll find it enjoyable. I, with several years of experience in the Cybersecurity industry, took the course myself. Regardless of your expertise, engaging with the lab challenges can prove to be a rewarding experience, offering a valuable test of your skills.



Give them a try.




Note: This feedback reflects my personal opinion based on my experience with the courses.